
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: irregular strong verb (6)
(p athof) to take down; to lift down (from)
[← at- pref + hafjan v “to lift, raise”; OE æthebban “to remove, withdraw”]
athafjan - inf - Mrk. XV, 36

4.1.2. (b) VI class irregular strong verbs

Some verbs of this class displayed certain anomalies in forming past tense forms. Namely, the verb andhafjan (to answer) lost in the preterite its vowel -j-, while standan (to stand) – lost its consonant n.

VI class
infinitive preterite singular preterite plural past participle
normal grade lengthened grade lengthened grade normal grade
-ă- -ō- -ō- -ă-
to answer andhafjan andhōf andhōfum andhafans
to stand standan stōþ stōþum sta(n)dans

See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of strong verbs