
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: weak verb (1)
to (make) shake, (make) move to and fro; to unsettle
[← Prot-Germ *wagjan “to (make) move; to shake”; OE wecȝan; O Sax weggian; OHG weggen, wegen (Mod G wegen)]
wagiþs - p.p.- Matth. XI, 7; Luk. VII, 24
wagjan - inf - Thessall. II, II, 2

4.2.1. (a)

I class infinitive preterite singular preterite plural past participle
to save nasjan nasida nasidedum nasiþs
to seek sokjan sokida sokidedum sokiþs

See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of weak verbs