
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: strong verb (5)
Present participle: saíƕands
1. to see; 2. imper look; take heed (to)
[← Prot-Germ *sehwan; OE séon (Mod E see); O Fris siā; O Sax sehan; Dt zien; OHG sehan (Mod G sehen); Icel sjá; Dan, Norw, Sw se ← Indo-Europ *sekw-; cf Sanskr sácate “to accompany; to follow”; Avest hacaitē “to follow”; Anc Gr ἔπομαι “to follow”; Lat sequī “to follow”; O Ir sechithir “to follow”; Lith sèkti “to follow; to observe, watch”]
saíƕa - 1 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Jhn. IX, 15; IX, 25; XVI, 22
saíƕis - 2 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Mrk. V, 31; XII, 14
saíƕiþ - 3 pers, sing, pres, indicat; 2 pers, pl, pres, indicat; 2 pers, pl, imper - Matth. V, 28; VI, 4; VI, 6; VI, 18; Mrk. IV, 24; VIII, 15; XII, 38; XIII, 23; Luk. VIII, 18; X, 23; X, 24; Jhn. VI, 40 etc
saíƕam - 1 pers, pl, pres, indicat; 1 pers, pl, indicat - Matth. XXVII, 49; Mrk. XV, 36; Cor. I, XIII, 12
saíƕand - 3 pers, pl, pres, indicat - Luk. X, 23
saíƕaima - 1 pers, pl, pres, optat - Luk. II, 15; Jhn. VI, 30
saíƕaiþ - 2 pers, pl, pres, optat - Cor. I, XVI, 10
saíƕaina - 3 pers, pl, pres, optat - Mrk. IV, 12; Luk. VIII, 16; Jhn. VII, 3; IX, 39; XVII, 24
saƕ - 1, 3 pers, sing, p - Luk. XX, 37; Jhn. VI, 46; XII, 41; XVIII, 26; Cor. I, IX, 1; Coloss. II, 18; Tim. I, VI, 16
saƕt - 2 pers, sing, p, indicat - Jhn. VIII, 57
seƕum - 1 pers, pl, p, indicat - Matth. XXV, 38; XXV, 39; XXV, 44; Mrk. IX, 38
seƕuþ - 2 pers, pl, p, indicat - Jhn. VI, 26
seƕun - 3 pers, pl, p, indicat - Mrk. XV, 47; Luk. II, 30; XIX, 37; Jhn. VI, 22; XIII, 22; XIX, 6; Skeirns. VI, 8
seƕi - 3 pers, sing, p, optat - Luk. II, 26; Jhn. VI, 46
seƕeina - 3 pers, pl, p, optat - Jhn. XII, 9
saíƕan - inf- Matth. VI, 1; XI, 7; XI, 8; XI, 9; Mrk. V, 14; V, 32; Luk. II, 26; VII, 24; VII, 25; VII, 26; VIII 35; X, 24 etc
saíƕ - 2 pers, sing, imper - Matth. VIII, 4; Mrk. I, 44; Jhn. VII, 52; XI, 34; Cor. II, VII, 11; Coloss. IV, 17; Skeirns. VIII, 10
saíƕats - 2 pers, dual, imper - Matth. IX, 30
saíƕands - pres.p.- Matth. XXVII, 55; Mrk. IV, 12; V, 22; XV, 40; Luk. VIII, 10; IX, 62; Jhn. IX, 7; IX, 8; IX, 39; XI, 45
Paradigm (a)

V class infinitive preterite singular preterite plural past participle
normal grade normal grade lengthened grade normal grade
i/ă -i- -a- -ē- -i-
additional element of vowel gradation for this class is any consonant, except sonant, e.g. -b-, -h-, etc. i + b = ib a + b = ab ē + b = ēb i + b = ib
to give giban gab (gaf) gēbum gibans
i + h = aih [-ɛ-] a + h = ah ē + h = ēh i + h = aih [-ɛh-]
to see saíƕan
s sēƕum

See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of strong verbs