
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: weak verb (1)
Present participle: mēljands
to write
[← Prot-Germ mēlijan "to mark" (← *mēlą "mark, stain"); O Fris mēlia "to paint"; O Sax malon "to mark (with a sword), to wound"; OHG mālōn, mālēn 'to mark; to paint" (Mod G malen "to paint")]
melja - 1 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Cor. II, XIII, 2; XIII, 10; Galat. I, 20; Thessall. II, III, 17; Tim. I, III, 14
meleiþ - 3 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Rom. X, 5
meljam - 1 pers, pl, pres, indicat - Cor. II, I, 13
meljaima - 1 pers, pl, pres, optat - Thessal. I, V,
meljan - inf- Mrk. X, 4; Luk. I, 1; I, 3; Cor. II, IX, 1; Philip. III, 1; Thessal. I, IV, 9
melei - 2 pers, sing, imper - Luk. XVI, 7
melida - 1 pers, sing, p, indicat - Cor. II, VII, 12
meljands - pres.p.- Rom. XVI, 22
meliþs - p.p.- Luk. II, 3; Rom. (explicit); Cor. I (explicit); Cor. II (explicit)

4.2.1. (a)

I class infinitive preterite singular preterite plural past participle
to save nasjan nasida nasidedum nasiþs
to seek sokjan sokida sokidedum sokiþs

See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of weak verbs