
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: strong verb (5)
to spend, waste
[← fra- pref + wisan (vid wisan²; OHG firwesan “to use”]
frawas - 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Luk. XV, 14
Paradigm (a)

V class infinitive preterite singular preterite plural past participle
normal grade normal grade lengthened grade normal grade
i/ă -i- -a- -ē- -i-
additional element of vowel gradation for this class is any consonant, except sonant, e.g. -b-, -h-, etc. i + b = ib a + b = ab ē + b = ēb i + b = ib
to give giban gab (gaf) gēbum gibans
i + h = aih [-ɛ-] a + h = ah ē + h = ēh i + h = aih [-ɛh-]
to see saíƕan
s sēƕum

See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of strong verbs