1. to persecute, oppress; 2. to curse, imprecate
[← Prot-Germ *wrekan; OE wrecan, wreocan “to drive away; to avenge; to inflict, cause” (Mod E wreak); O Fris wreka “to avenge”; O Sax wrekan “to avenge”; Dt wreken “to avenge”; OHG rehhan “to avenge; punish” (Mod G rächen); Icel reka “to drive (away); to persecute, chase; to avenge”]
wrikand - 3 pers, pl, pres, indicat - Jhn. XV, 20
wrikada - 1 pers, sing, mediopass, indicat - Galat. V, 11
wrak - 1, 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Cor. I, XV, 9; Galat. I, 23; IV, 29
wrekun - 3 pers, pl, p, indicat - Jhn. XV, 20
wrikands - pres.p.- Matth. V, 44; Rom. XII, 14
wrikans - p.p.- Cor. II, IV, 9
wrikada - 1 pers, sing, mediopass, indicat - Galat. V, 11
wrak - 1, 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Cor. I, XV, 9; Galat. I, 23; IV, 29
wrekun - 3 pers, pl, p, indicat - Jhn. XV, 20
wrikands - pres.p.- Matth. V, 44; Rom. XII, 14
wrikans - p.p.- Cor. II, IV, 9
Paradigm (a)
V class | infinitive | preterite singular | preterite plural | past participle |
normal grade | normal grade | lengthened grade | normal grade | |
i/ă | -i- | -a- | -ē- | -i- |
additional element of vowel gradation for this class is any consonant, except sonant, e.g. -b-, -h-, etc. | i + b = ib | a + b = ab | ē + b = ēb | i + b = ib |
to give | giban | gab (gaf) | gēbum | gibans |
i + h = aih [-ɛ-] | a + h = ah | ē + h = ēh | i + h = aih [-ɛh-] | |
to see | saíƕan [-ɛ-] |
saƕ | sēƕum [-ē-] |
saíƕans [-ɛ-] |
See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of strong verbs
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