Part of speech: verb
Verb type: weak verb (1)
1. to hope for; to trust; 2. to wait for; to expect
[← Prot-Germ *wēnjan; OE wēnan (Mod E ween arch); O Fris wēna; O Sax wānian; Dt wanen; OHG wānen (Mod G wähnen); Icel væna]
wenja - 1 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Cor. I, XVI, 7; Cor. II, I, 13; V, 11; XIII, 6; Philip. II, 23; Philem. I, 22
weneiþ, weneid - 3 pers, sing, pres, indicat; 2 pers, pl, pres, indicat - Luk. VI, 34; Jhn. V, 45; Cor. I, XIII, 7
wenjand - 3 pers, pl, pres, indicat - Rom. XV, 12
wenjaima - 1 pers, pl, pres, optat - Luk. VII, 19; VII, 20
wenida - 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Tim. I, V, 5
wenidedum - 1 pers, pl, p, indicat - Cor. II, I, 10; VIII, 5; Tim. I, IV, 10
wenjands - pres.p.- Luk. III, 15; Cor. I, XV, 19; Tim. I, III, 14
weneiþ, weneid - 3 pers, sing, pres, indicat; 2 pers, pl, pres, indicat - Luk. VI, 34; Jhn. V, 45; Cor. I, XIII, 7
wenjand - 3 pers, pl, pres, indicat - Rom. XV, 12
wenjaima - 1 pers, pl, pres, optat - Luk. VII, 19; VII, 20
wenida - 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Tim. I, V, 5
wenidedum - 1 pers, pl, p, indicat - Cor. II, I, 10; VIII, 5; Tim. I, IV, 10
wenjands - pres.p.- Luk. III, 15; Cor. I, XV, 19; Tim. I, III, 14
4.2.1. (a)
I class | infinitive | preterite singular | preterite plural | past participle |
to save | nasjan | nasida | nasidedum | nasiþs |
to seek | sokjan | sokida | sokidedum | sokiþs |
See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of weak verbs
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