
Part of speech: adjective
Stem: -ja-
1. evil-doing, mischievous; 2. gram mean of a n evildoer, malefactor
[← ubils a + *tōjis a “making, doing” (← taujan v “to make, do”)]
ubiltojis - Nom, sing, masc - Jhn. XVIII, 30; Tim. II, II, 9

2.1. (b)

(subtype of -a- (-o-) stem adjectives)

strong declension of adjectives -ja- (-jo-)* stem
singular number
masculine gender neuter gender feminine gender
nominative midjis midi, midjata midja
genitive midjis midjis midjaizōs
dative midjamma midjamma midjai
accusative midjana midi, midjata midja
plural number
masculine gender neuter gender feminine gender
nominative midjai midja midjōs
genitive midjaizē midjaizē midjaizō
dative midjaim midjaim midjaim
accusative midjans midja midjōs

* By the -jo- stem versions we mean fem forms of the same type of adjectives.