1. to trust, believe; 2. to be confident; to have confidence; to hope
[← Prot-Germ *trūwēn; OE trúwian (Mod E trow arch); O Sax trūon (also trauwian); OHG trūēn, trūwēn (Mod G trauen "to hope, believe, trust"); Icel trúa]
trauaida - 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Matth. XXVII, 43
trauaidedun - 3 pers, pl, p, indicat - Luk. XVIII, 9
trauan - inf- Philip. III, 4
trauands - pres.p.- Cor. II, I, 9
trauaidedun - 3 pers, pl, p, indicat - Luk. XVIII, 9
trauan - inf- Philip. III, 4
trauands - pres.p.- Cor. II, I, 9
4.2.3. 3rd class weak verbs (verbs with -ai- form-building suffix)
Weak verbs of this class had form-building suffix -ai-. In its full form the said suffix appeared only in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th versions of its stem, while in the verbal forms built based on present-tense stem, it was replaced by plain -a-.
III class | infinitive | preterite singular | preterite plural | past participle |
to have; to possess | haban | habaida | habaidēdum | habaiþs |
to like | (ga)leikan | (ga)leikaida | (ga)leikaidēdum | galeikaiþs |
See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of weak verbs
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