
Part of speech: adjective
Stem: -a-
angry, wroth, indignant; mōdags waírþan to get angry
[← Prot-Germ *mōgadaz, *mōdugaz; OE módiȝ, modi "brave, noble-spirited; arrogant, proud" (Mod E moody); O Sax mōdag "angry, indignant"; Dt moedig "brave, courageous"; MHG muotic "brave, courageous" (Mod G mutig); O Icel móðugr "moody; excited" (Mod Icel móðugur)]
modags - Nom, sing, masc - Matth. V, 22; Luk. XV, 28

2.1. (a)

strong declension of adjectives -a- (-o-)* stem
singular number
masculine gender neuter gender feminine gender
nominative blinds blind, blindata blinda
genitive blindis blindis blindaizōs
dative blindamma blindamma blindai
accusative blindana blind, blindata blinda
plural number
masculine gender neuter gender feminine gender
nominative blindai blinda blindōs
genitive blindaizē blindaizē blindaizō
dative blindaim blindaim blindaim
accusative blindans blinda blindōs

* By the -o- stem versions we mean fem forms of the same type of adjectives.