
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: weak verb (2)
Present participle: laþōnds
1. to invite; 2. to call (upon), summon
[← Prot-Germ *laþōjan; OE laþian "to invite; to call upon, summon" (Mod E lathe dial); O Fris lathia, ladia; O Sax lathon; OHG ladōn (Mod G laden); Icel laða]
laþo - 1 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Cor. I, X, 27
laþoda - 1, 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Rom. IX, 24; Cor. I, VII, 15; Coloss. I, 12; Thessal. I, II, 12; IV, 7; V, 24
laþon - inf- Matth. IX, 13; Luk. V, 32; Mrk. II, 17
laþonds - pres.p.- Rom. IX, 12; Galat. I, 6; V, 8; Tim. II, I, 9
laþoþs - p.p.- Cor. I, VII, 20; Galat. V, 13; Ephes. IV, 1; Coloss. III, 15; Tim. I, VI, 12

4.2.2. 2nd class weak verbs (verbs with –ōn ending)

II class infinitive preterite singular preterite plural past participle
to salve, anoint salbōn salbōda salbōdēdum salbōþs
to fish fiskōn fiskōda fiskōdēdum fiskōþs
to repent idreigōn idreigōda idreigōdēdum idreigōþs

See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of weak verbs