Part of speech: conjunction
always at the beginning of a sentence: 1) but; 2) if; 3) and
[← Prot-Germ *edi, *eþi; in oth O German languages used as a pref expressing repetition of an action; OE ed-; OHG it-, ita-; O Icel ið- ← Indo-Europ *eti; Anc Gr ἔτι adv "also; again“; Lat et cj "and"]
iþ - Matth. V, 19; V, 21; V, 22; V, 29; V, 32; V, 33; V, 37; V, 39; VI, 3; VI, 6; VI, 15; VI, 17; VI, 20; VI, 23; VI, 24; VI, 27 etc