
Part of speech: demonstrative pronoun
himma daga today; fram himma (nū) from now on, henceforth; und hina dag until today, hitherto; und hita (nū) up to this point, until now; until today, hitherto
[← Prot-Germ *hī, *hi; in Goth attested in oblique cases himma, hina and hita (only in some phrases); OEmasc (Mod E he) pers pron "he"; héo, hío fem; hit, hyt neut (Mod E it); héo, híe, hí, hiȝ pl "they"; O Fris hē, hī "he", masc; O Sax hē, hī "he"; O Icel hinn masc, hin fem, hitt neut demonstr pron "he; other; another"; cf also OE héodæȝ "today"; O Fris hiūdega "today"; O Sax hiudu "today"; OHG hiutu, hiuto "today" (Mod G heute” ← Indo-Europ *ḱis- "this; here"; Lat hic "here"; O Ir ce, cé "this" Lith šìs "this"; O Slav сь "that" (Russ сей "this"]
himma - Dat, sing, masc, neut - Matth. VI, 14; VI, 30; Luk. I, 48; II, 11; IV, 21; V, 10; V, 26 etc
hina - Acc, sing, masc - Matth. XI, 23; XXVII, 8; Cor. II, III, 14; III, 15
hita - Acc, sing, neut - Matth. XI, 12; Mrk. XIII, 19; Jhn. XVI, 24; Cor. I, XV, 6; Skeirns. IV, 4

3.2. Demonstrative pronouns

singular number
masculine neuter feminine
nominative sa þata so
genitive þis þis þizos
dative þamma þamma þizai
accusative þana þata þo
instrumental - þē -
plural number
masculine neuter feminine
nominative þai þo þos
genitive þize þize þizo
dative þaim þaim þaim
accusative þans þo þos