
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: strong verb (6)
Present participle: gasakands
1. to reprove, rebuke; 2. to forbid; 3. to expose, unmask; to prove guilty
[← ga- pref + sakan v; OE ȝesacan; OHG gisahhan]
gasakiþ - 3 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Jhn. VIII, 46; XVI, 8
gasakada - 3 pers, sing, mediopass, indicat - Cor. I, XIV, 24; Skeirns. VII, 2
gasok - 3 pers, sing, p, indicat - Matth. VIII, 26; Mrk. IV, 39; Luk. IV, 39; VIII, 24; IX, 55
gasoki - 3 pers, sing, p, optat - Skeirns. V, 4
gasak - 2 pers, sing, imper - Luk. VII, 13; Tim. I, V, 20; Tim. II, IV, 2; Tit. I, 13
gasakan - inf- Tit. I, 9; I, 11; Skeirns. IV, 9
gasakands - pres.p.- Luk. IV, 41
gasakans - p.p. - Luk. III, 19

4.1.2. (a)

VI class infinitive preterite singular preterite plural past participle
normal grade lengthened grade lengthened grade normal grade
-ă- -ō- -ō- -ă-
to go; to travel, fare faran fōr fōrum farans
to strike, blow slahan slōh slōhum slahans

See the complete paradigm of the conjugation of strong verbs