to begin
[ ← ana- pref + *stōdjan v “to make stand” (← Prot-Germ *standan v “to stand”); cf Icel stæða v “to establish”]
anastodeiþ - 3 pers, sing, pres, indicat - Mrk. (incipit); Luk. (incipit); Ephes. (incipit); Galat. (incipit); Thessall. II (incipit); Tit. (incipit)
anastodjands - pres.p.- Galat. III, 3; Skeirns. II, 2; IV, 3
anastodjands - pres.p.- Galat. III, 3; Skeirns. II, 2; IV, 3
4.2.1. (a)
I class | infinitive | preterite singular | preterite plural | past participle |
to save | nasjan | nasida | nasidedum | nasiþs |
to seek | sokjan | sokida | sokidedum | sokiþs |
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