
Part of speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Stem: -jō-
1. peace; armistice; 2. concord, agreement; 3. relationship, kinship; propinquity; (also sibb, syb, sybb)
[Mod E SIB archProt-Germ *sebjō; Goth sibja “relationship, kinship”; O Fris sibbe “relationship”; O Sax sibbia “relationship; family”; OHG sibba, sippa “peace; relationship, kinship” (Mod G Sippe); O Icel sif (usu pl) “relatives; affinity”) ← Indo-Europ *su̯ebh-; cf Lat sibī “to onself“ (the Dat of the refl pron); O Slav себѣ Dat “to onself” (the Dat of the refl pron) (Russ себе)]

1.1.2. (b) -jō- stem

(subtype of -ō- stem nouns)

feminine gender

The nouns of this type are declined practically the same way as the -ō- stemmed nouns, the only difference being the fact that they lack the ending -ena in Gen pl.

nouns, -jō- stem, feminine gender
singular plural
nominative brycȝ brycȝa, brycȝe
genitive brycȝe brycȝa
dative (instrumental) brycȝe brycȝum
accusative brycȝe brycȝa, brycȝe