
Part of speech: numeral
nine (also niȝan, niȝen, niȝun, nyȝon)
[Mod E NINEProt-Germ *newun; Goth niun; O Fris nigun, niugun, niogen; O Sax nigun; Dt negen; OHG niun (Mod G neun); Icel níu ← Indo-Europ *neṷṇ-, *eneṷṇ-, *enṷṇ-; Sanskr náva; Avest nava; Anc Gr ἐννέα; Lat novem; O Ir noí; O Prus newīnts “ninth”; Lith devynì; O Slav девѩть (Russ девять); consonant d- in Baltic and Slavic languages is due to the analogy with the numer “ten” (*deḱṃ-, dēšimt, десѩть)]