
Part of speech: verb
Verb type: weak verb (1)
to thirst; to be thirsty, to feel a thirst (also ðyrstan); mé þyrst I am thirsty; ðyrsteþ sáwul mín thirsteth my soul
[Mod E THIRST v ← ðurst, þurst n “thirst”; O Sax thurstian; Dt dorsten; OHG dursten (Mod G dürsten); Icel þyrsta; Sw törsta; cf also Goth þaúrsjan “to thirst; to be thirsty”]

4.2.1 (a)

(a) with a short root vowel

I class infinitive past tense singular
to plough erian erede
to perform, commit fremman fremede

(b) with a long root vowel

I class infinitive past tense singular
to feed fédan fédde
to keep, observe cépan cépte
to send sendan sende